Q: How is a request for routine maintenance submitted?
A: All maintenance requests need to be submitted in writing. The best and easiest form
s to submit the request on our website, and can be found on the Home Page or under the
Current Tenants tab.
Q: How are emergencies handled?
A: If the emergency is life threatening, dial 911. If other emergencies occur, we have a
24 hour personally answered emergency maintenance line. The resident will call our office
and select option #3. The resident's call is then automatically forwarded to our 24 hour
emergency maintenance line. The operator answering the phone is an actual maintenance
employee. Therefore qualified to deal with emergencies immediately.
Q: What is classified as an emergency?
A: Anything that endangers life or poses severe damage risk to the property if not corrected
immediately qualifies for emergency service. Items outside of these items will not be
handled as emergencies.
Q: What maintenance is a resident responsible for?
A: The resident is required to keep the property in neat and clean condition and to perform
minor repairs, such as replacing light bulbs and other items not requiring a skilled craftsman.
Q: What about smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors?
A: It is mandated that the smoke detectors be tested and batteries replaced immediately prior to
the occupancy of a property. Letts Property Management performs this test in compliance
with the law and adds documentation to our records for the protection of our clients. Our company
policy prohibits our owners from performing this compliance inspection.
Q: What if the resident wants to paint or perform maintenance work themselves?
A: Any The lease states the tenant cannot make any cosmetic or structural changes to the property without the written consent of the owner. Any changes, including painting and minor repairs done by the resident must be submitted in writing to the property manager in advance of any such work and await permission before starting.
Q: What is the turnaround time for maintenance request?
A: There are many factors that go into each request and we cannot set a firm schedule. However, we
typically contact the resident the same day we receive the request to assess the situation and determine
the proper course of action. Our goal is typically no more than a 3 business days until completion.
Although, when given permission-to-enter from a resident, we can generally get the maintenance request
completed within 24-hours.
Q: What charges are tenants responsible for?
A: Light bulbs, smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector batteries, clogged/slow drains, furnace filters,
lost or broken garage remotes, clogged garbage disposals (due to excess food or non-food items), anything
related to pet damage, any damage as a result of a break in or vandalism, broken windows.
Q: Is pest control a tenant charge?
A: Tenants are requested to try treatment first, if still unsuccessful it will be submitted to the owner for approval.
Q: How often do furnace filters need to be changed?
A: Some filters may need changed every 30 days, most last about 3 months. Refer to the filter's instructions to find
the recommended life span.
Q: Who is responsible for landscaping?
A: Apartment communities are under the responsibility of the owner or HOA generally. Single family homes are usually the
responsibility of the tenant unless an owner has decided to retain the services of their own landscaping company.
Q: What do I do if I lock my keys in the house or lose them?
A: ContContact our After Hours/Emergency Line at
706-670-6500 or contact a locksmith. There will be a charge to the tenant for any lock change or delivery of the key to the property.